• What's in the box under the pilot's seat?
  • What's in the box in the baggage area?
  • Leaning -
    • Departure leaning - 24" at 4,000', 21" at 8,000'
    • In Climb
    • Cruise - JPI procedures
    • In Descent
  • Brakes/tires - roll to end of runway
  • Heater info - outlets at rear feet, outlets at front feet
  • TKS usage
  • CMAX updates and usage
  • NavData updates
  • Autopilot operation -
    • What works if PFD is out?
    • VS clicks - 20' +/-
  • Intercept course
  • Fly friendly suggestions for FIT
  • Checklists on #2 430
  • How to use the Garmin 396